New Book Store!
Blushing Books has revamped their book store…It’s awesome! Sign up for their newsletter and get discounts on sexy new romances from some amazing authors.
Blushing Books has revamped their book store…It’s awesome! Sign up for their newsletter and get discounts on sexy new romances from some amazing authors.
A little late…but better late than never! I moved to a new place in August and have finally settled in. I hope to NEVER MOVE AGAIN, and I’ve been referring to my new digs as my ‘final resting place’. I think it’s funny, but most people cringe when I say that, as I’m not exactly …
Hey! Will be away for a few weeks and stepping away from the blog until next month. Working on new release: THE NEXUS, the conclusion of THE WIVES OF LUCIFER trilogy, under my legal name Caryn M. McGill. Returning to UNBURNED soon and hoping for a release this fall. See you in September!
I love fairy tales, which is a sad confession for a 1970s feminist and a woman of reasonably advanced age. But once upon a time, my favorite babysitter gave me what soon became a treasured Christmas gift: SHIRLEY TEMPLE’S FAVORITE FAIRY TALES, or something like that. She knew I adored Shirley Temple after having seen a few of …
In the olden days (maybe ten years ago?) an author relied on the publisher/agent to promote and market their book. It was part of the package deal and could be hit or miss. Some books were marketed aggressively, some not. Not exactly sure why. The advent of social media has revamped the landscape and the …
As a former teacher of biology and chemistry, I’m reasonably learned in the sciences and had been a teacher for several years when one day my Assistant Superintendent paid me a visit. “Wayne’s taking a leave next year and I’m assigning the AP Bio course to you,” he announced. “Sure,” I said, “be glad to…” …
My last post explained how I became an author. I had the inspiration, the enthusiasm, the passion to write; imagination and story-telling my forte. I’m reasonably well-educated so I figured I didn’t have far to go to master the finite skills to get published, right? Well, no. One of my first lessons came from my …
The old adage, Writers are born, not made, is something I believed, well…until I didn’t. And I’m taking this statement literally, as in that newborn baby snuggled in an isolate could write something amazing if he could only get to a laptop. I’m sure there are people who are born to write, but I think …